So it turns out the old portable scanners like you see in hospitals arent too flash at seeing anything tiny, I should be hovering around 7 weeks, and we saw... nothing. Just a nice big black hole that is the inside of my uterus. Well gee whizz Doc, that sure takes a load off my mind! Luckily a little persuasion and reminding the GP of my history of miscarriages and twins do run in the family (albeit a couple of generations back) made him change his mind and give me a scan referral to a more up-to-date scanning place. Along with more blood tests. Yippee.
Scan is Tuesday just before lunch, and since i should be well into my 7th week, we should get some decent blob pics!
vomit count stands at 2 as of this morning... doing much better than both the other 2 kids, by this stage I was virtually chained to the bathroom!
Symptom check:
Sore boobs
Constant nausea (of varying strengths)
Excessive tiredness
Since theres been no bleeding, and I am still feeling absolutely vile, its a safe bet that I am definitely (still) pregnant, but I will feel much better once I see a good strong heartbeat flicking away on the ultrasound screen!
Thats me for the week, will update with todays hcg results once they arrive :)
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