Aaaaand just in case you cant see it...

Symptoms... right now, apart from the odd wave of mild nausea... are nil... no more excessive toilet stops, no more random dizzy spells... if it werent for the tests coming up darker, then I'd be a little worried!!
#1 child is at his Grandparents for the first half of school holidays, so for the next 10 days, its just me, E and #2 child (who is a grumpy little grot with teeth coming through faster than we can count them... but said grumpy little grot is full of smiles as soon as anyone ELSE looks at her!) so... comparitive peace and quiet? Hah, let me find some wood to touch before i say anything more...
The plan for now is to trot off to my GP next week to get the standard ante-natal blood tests done with a focus on my iron stores. #2 child caused a large amount of blood to be lost, so iron stores were a bit shaky for some time... Best get onto that in case it happens again! Once those come back, its time to find a midwife who will take me on despite having had 2 c-sections, and planning on a 3rd and last c-section... apparently willing midwives are scarce due to monetary issues...Will cross fingers and hope that my midwife from #2 child will take me on again since she already 'knows' me and my (for the most part) hassle free pregnancies.
Otherwise i will just keep trucking along... and peeing on more HPTs just to watch that second line get stronger each time!
Oh and just for those who will be asking every time (and for my own future reference as I am bound to forget how many weeks/days etc...

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