Is baby a boy or girl?

Monday, July 26, 2010

First baby photo!

Scan went well, only ONE baby (all breathe a HUGE sigh of relief now!) and measuring a few days behind, but scan was rushed through so I will wait and see what the next scan at 12 weeks reveals as EDD before I go rushing around changing tickers everywhere! Even managed to see and hear the heartbeat!

So poll-voters, that only leaves Option A or B to pick!


Saturday, July 24, 2010

5+ a day already!

So according to the ticker on my first post baby is now the size of a rasberry, and the weekly developmental email i get says its the size of an olive, either way, its getting bombarded with fruit/vege analogies already, and its only been in existence for all of 5 weeks!

HCG came back in and in the words of my very professional Doctor I am 'very much pregnant' with an hcg result of 85,000! According to Dr Google thats a snapshot average for someone around 8 weeks, rather than not quite 7 weeks. Scan booked for lunchtime tuesday, so will be a bit of breath holding when the scanner dude/chick starts waving their scanner wand towards my tummy!

Yesterday was a rough day for morning sickness, probably not helped by not eating much, started off today much the same, but after having something to eat/drink, I am back to just FEELING sick, rather than actually BEING sick.

Will update after Tuesdays scan!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Scan - Another Fail

So it turns out the old portable scanners like you see in hospitals arent too flash at seeing anything tiny, I should be hovering around 7 weeks, and we saw... nothing. Just a nice big black hole that is the inside of my uterus. Well gee whizz Doc, that sure takes a load off my mind! Luckily a little persuasion and reminding the GP of my history of miscarriages and twins do run in the family (albeit a couple of generations back) made him change his mind and give me a scan referral to a more up-to-date scanning place. Along with more blood tests. Yippee.

Scan is Tuesday just before lunch, and since i should be well into my 7th week, we should get some decent blob pics!

vomit count stands at 2 as of this morning... doing much better than both the other 2 kids, by this stage I was virtually chained to the bathroom!

Symptom check:
Sore boobs
Constant nausea (of varying strengths)
Excessive tiredness

Since theres been no bleeding, and I am still feeling absolutely vile, its a safe bet that I am definitely (still) pregnant, but I will feel much better once I see a good strong heartbeat flicking away on the ultrasound screen!

Thats me for the week, will update with todays hcg results once they arrive :)

Friday, July 16, 2010

Battle of the loo: Fail

So I made it to exactly 6 weeks before the fight was lost. I threw up. Was hoping to avoid it, but in all honesty it was my own damned fault for not eating anything before getting up and about in the first place. Lesson learnt!

Tiredness is creeping in and becoming all-consuming, but that may have more to do with the grumpy teething demon that has flown in and taken over our happy go lucky J. Four molars cutting in one go will do that to a child!

Touch wood but we may be able to get my pram for under $200 after all. Just found one that will be about 1 1/2 hour drive away to pick up, but is relatively close to where I drive to every second Sunday to pick B up anyway, so not that much further out of my way. Failing that, apparently Baby City do a very similar model that I may try putting on layby if its close enough!

Got an email about the Big Latch On event in 3 weeks (6th August) and although I wont be able to attend and boost numbers this year, I did manage to get involved last year, and will hopefully be able to last long enough to attend next year too. It is a very worthy cause, and they dont ask for much, just a few minutes to do what we would do several times a day anyway.

Inorganic weekend and cars driving up and down our road... wouldnt be so annoying except for the fact we are a very small cul-de-sac and space is minimum already without vultures hanging around to pick through our rubbish heap! Still, I have old toys and kitchen junk to clear out, and now that my body has cleared out and feels much better, this incubator has to get back to work!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Wishlists and numbers

Found THE perfect pram for us... now to find the money, or a store that currently stocks them! (Trademe has a couple under $200, but finding said $200 is a bit of a mission these days!)

Still, its the only 'big' purchase necessary, and we can sell on trade me again once J no longer wants to walk... its such a nice pram... wheres a fairy godmother or a winning lotto ticket when you need one? ;)

The other half of my wishlist, a gorgeous set from Pumpkin Patch, have been hunting every store, outlet and the website, but the AIO with feet seems to be sold out everywhere! (for anyone with a PP store nearby, its the same pattern as the hat and overalls ;) )

Oh and the other number is a big one, 1950. To be more specific, thats the beta HCG level from the blood test on Friday morning. Right on the mark for the 4 weeks and 6 days I am pretty sure I was that day. And that is for an average SINGLETON pregnancy, just a pointer to the KIND person who decided to go with option 3: Other on my gender poll!! Shame on you :P

And it seems that my favourite self-saucing chocolate pudding is off the menu for now, someones not too keen on that either... so its not just chocolate, but anything remotely resembling chocolate is off-limits... nice. I'm sure my ass will be thanking this child later on, but right now I'm not! Still, for now I am still winning the battle of whether it stays or goes down the drain. With that in mind I shall keep my head held high, but not TOO high, projectile vomiting wouldnt be a good look.

Time for this incubator to get some sleep, something this wee dot DOES like, and in great abundance too, just a pity its big sister doesnt quite agree with that concept, but 3 molars cutting the gum in one go will do that to a kid!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vampires and HPTs

So, the appointment went well. Turns out I cant have my old midwife as I now have 2 c-sections under my belt (oh and the fact that shes moving overseas may also have something to do with her not taking me on again) so a discussion was had with the GP to figure out what my other options are. Not too keen on going through hospital midwives as its a different midwife for almost every visit! But we have a solution, my GP is happy to act as my LMC, with a referral to the hospital obstetrician towards the end to get a date for my 3rd (and last!) c-section.

He even pulled out the old portable scanner to see if we could catch a glimpse of the wee dot but no luck, so I am booked in for a do-over in 2 weeks time. Once he has confirmed a foetus and a heartbeat, I will go for an official dating scan.

Surprisingly, with the absence of a visible foetus, he didnt once ask me to go and do a HPT, just took my word for it that i have '3 or 4' positive HPTs at home (the reality is there are 15!!) and then sent me off to the friendly neighbourhood vampires to get the usual ante-natal blood tests done.

Symptom spotting check...

Nausea is back, getting very close to the return of the vomiting, but have been able to hold off so far.
Reallly sore boobs, without anything even touching them. Needless to say, E has lost his toys, much to his disappointment, especially since they seem to have gotten biger overnight!
Cramps are still coming and going
And last one for today, sooo tired!

Will check back in when blood test results come back!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Baby brain already?

Note to self: Dont make doctors appointments for the afternoon! I was supposed to go in at 4.15pm, and right up until lunchtime I remembered, I remembered as I got home from doing groceries, I remembered as I put J in bed for a sleep, I even remembered when she woke up again. Then I forgot. It wasnt until a friend asked at 5pm how said appointment had gone that i realised my faux pas. Oops!

So, it goes without saying that my antenatal bloods havent been done yet, but never fear, waiting to hear back from the midwife I had with J and see if she'll take me on again, its barely been a year since she last saw me!

Monday, July 5, 2010

More proof

I think its safe to say I can pack/give away all remaining tests now!!

5 minutes

10 minutes (with progression)

Nausea is back, boobs still hurt, and we just had a fun walk around the supermarket with either dizzy spells, or moments of 'Iiiii'm gonna be sick... no I'm ok... or not...'

No actual vomiting (yet!) so we are good. and still pregnant!

Friday, July 2, 2010


It would seem that the 2nd of the month strikes again... it was at this exact point in my cycle I found out I was pregnant with #2 child, which just so happened to be the 2nd of the month (Oct)... the month prior was #1 childs first half-sister (via his father) arriving into the world(Sept), the month after was #1 childs newest cousin also arriving into the world (Nov)

It is now the second of the month, and, had i not done a sneaky early test, I would have found out today that I was once again, pregnant...

Wonder what next month will bring...

photographic evidence!

So, as promised, photographic evidence of #3 on the way...

Aaaaand just in case you cant see it...

Symptoms... right now, apart from the odd wave of mild nausea... are nil... no more excessive toilet stops, no more random dizzy spells... if it werent for the tests coming up darker, then I'd be a little worried!!

#1 child is at his Grandparents for the first half of school holidays, so for the next 10 days, its just me, E and #2 child (who is a grumpy little grot with teeth coming through faster than we can count them... but said grumpy little grot is full of smiles as soon as anyone ELSE looks at her!) so... comparitive peace and quiet? Hah, let me find some wood to touch before i say anything more...

The plan for now is to trot off to my GP next week to get the standard ante-natal blood tests done with a focus on my iron stores. #2 child caused a large amount of blood to be lost, so iron stores were a bit shaky for some time... Best get onto that in case it happens again! Once those come back, its time to find a midwife who will take me on despite having had 2 c-sections, and planning on a 3rd and last c-section... apparently willing midwives are scarce due to monetary issues...Will cross fingers and hope that my midwife from #2 child will take me on again since she already 'knows' me and my (for the most part) hassle free pregnancies.

Otherwise i will just keep trucking along... and peeing on more HPTs just to watch that second line get stronger each time!

Oh and just for those who will be asking every time (and for my own future reference as I am bound to forget how many weeks/days etc...

Lilypie Maternity tickers