Anatomy scan and next GP/LMC appointment booked in for the 20th Oct, so that leaves 3 weeks til we know what baby is packing... but as I said in an earlier post, I know people read this blog, so details will be posted, but nothing about gender... sorry folks ;) We have decided a surprise for everyone else is nicer, as it will give us something to announce on the big day, but allows us to get the things we need (and sell off what we dont depending on gender) in bits and pieces, since theres no way we could afford a big shop, and I'd be in no shape to go shopping anyways, seeing as I am having an elective c-section.
And in other news, my plum finally graduated into something bigger, a mango!
Is baby a boy or girl?
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
Breaking news!!
As of 13 weeks, I have felt what is defintely #3 wriggling around and getting its groove on! Amazing how much more you can feel, and so early on when there isnt a great big placenta in the way!
Jabs and 15 month check-up on the agenda for #2 today... poor kid wont see it coming!
Oh and apparently I now have a 10cm 'plum' in my tummy... thats one very big plum!!
That is all....
Jabs and 15 month check-up on the agenda for #2 today... poor kid wont see it coming!
Oh and apparently I now have a 10cm 'plum' in my tummy... thats one very big plum!!
That is all....
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
I am geek, hear me RAWR!
So I have been playing mad scientist, and experimenting with the old red cabbage pH test that sems to be all the rage amongst pregnant women at the moment. Basic concept is boil lots of red cabbage in small amount of water, and the pigment in the cabbage acts as a pH measuring aid. Mix the water with equal parts of a pregnant womens urine (preferably one who hasnt eaten/drank in some time as it can distort results) and if it stays dark (alkaline), it could be a girl, if it goes light/clear red (acidic) then it could be a boy.
Wasnt sure what the benchmark for boy or girl colouring was in this little test, so I played a game... I also tested with Malt vinegar (known alkaline), White vinegar and Orange juice (both known to be acidic)
So... from Left to Right we have
Straight red cabbage water, mixed with my wees, with Malt vinegar, with orange juice, and then white vinegar.

So... verdict at this stage is alkaline, which seems to be the girl option...
Guess I'll know for sure if the test was right in about 5-6 weeks, while the rest of you will have to wait another 26 weeks ;)
Wasnt sure what the benchmark for boy or girl colouring was in this little test, so I played a game... I also tested with Malt vinegar (known alkaline), White vinegar and Orange juice (both known to be acidic)
So... from Left to Right we have
Straight red cabbage water, mixed with my wees, with Malt vinegar, with orange juice, and then white vinegar.

So... verdict at this stage is alkaline, which seems to be the girl option...
Guess I'll know for sure if the test was right in about 5-6 weeks, while the rest of you will have to wait another 26 weeks ;)
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Sneaky peeks again!
Scan day today, and as is usual with any child of mine, they are difficult to get them where you want, when you want. With #2 she decided to pull a 180 halfway through the scan while the sonographer had his back turned to measure something... this one decided it didnt know which way it wanted to lie, so wriggled like a fish! Not only that but it was curled up so tightly that we couldnt get any leg shots, let alone a sneaky look at the 'nub shot' to try and get a heads up on what gender we might be looking at. The good news is I have caught back up on dates and then some, 12 weeks 5 days by my dates, 12 and 2 by the last scan, todays scan put me at 13 weeks, and the other good news is the placenta is posterior (towards my back) which I never had with #1 or #2, so i might get to see more defined movement, instead of just the big rolling over moves.
For now I'm thinking boy, but will have to wait another 6-7 weeks to know for sure! And on that note, I am thinking while we will be finding out the gender, we may not be revealing to the general public (save for a few selected friends) until the day baby arrives (which also will not be revealed, only to those necessary as we will need a babysitter the night before!) I had nothing left to announce except time of arrival and weight when #2 arrived, as gender was announced at 19 weeks, and name shortly after, and date was decided about a month or 2 before she arrived, leaving the day somewhat anti-climactic. As there are followers on this blog, I will not be posting it on here, nor will I mention the gender or baby by name on any other forums I post on. Since this is our last, I want to enjoy the little things I missed out on with #1 and #2.
Well its late, and not much else to do but post a photo, so heres baby #3

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