So its official. Toffee pops, moosies and banana cakes are now off the menu until at least 6 weeks post-partum. Sigh. Gestational Diabetes has reared its PITA head with only 5 weeks max to go. 3 if the hospital midwife (who has informed me I will no longer be seeing her) is to be believed. Yikes, thats leaving me with a lot less time to finish getting ready for baby... Like setting the room up so it can sleep in the bassinette for a start!
Apparently I have to attend a group session to talk to a dietician and other GD related specialists next week, then the following week I have an appointment to have a chat with one of the hospital obstetricians to set the big date. Its all happening rather fast now that the end is coming! And I have yet to spill the beans on gender to anyone (apart from those that E and I agreed on prior to finding out) which surprises me to no end as I am hopeless at secrets usually!
And not a minute too soon, I may not have hyperemesis this time around, but instead I seem to have swapped it for extreme exhaustion (which I am sure is not currently helped by the as yet UNmanaged GD) sciatica, and in the last couple of weeks SPD has kicked in... It must look somewhat comical when I have to get up and walk somewhere, hobbling like an old man huddled over a granny walker cant be a good look! Still, the end IS in sight, so I must get a move on and finish up all the little things that still need doing!
Will come back tomorrow to add my 35 weeks tummy comparison photo ;)
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