So the scan went ok...ish. Bubs is breech, and the placenta is anterior (in front) NOT posterior(at the back) as previously informed during prior scans... made for some very difficult picture obtaining! Monkey fits right in with the older siblings, unco-operative little sod! (said in the most lovingliest voice possible!) No lovely leg shots like we got with big sister, just one rather large close-up of a foot, plus a LOT of squished in facial shots... to add to the unco-operativeness of being breech.. it also had its whole arm squished up against the side if its face! The other side was squished into the placenta with the cord dangling in the way, so the only way to get face shots was half frontal, half side on. Still, some nice pics to be had!
To add to the fun and games today, it turns out said big sister has had the chicken pox for the last week, only they didnt LOOK like CP, just like LOTS of flea/mosquito bites... bad mum of the year award goes to...
Big brother has just passed his 7th birthday with a trip to the zoo, an afternoon at speedway and some new Transformers gear. He is, of course, quite pleased with his birthday this year. In that case son, you just wait til xmas!
26 weeks this weekend just been, and bump is very similar to big sister's at the same stage... that as we now know, may be entirely due to same position than anything else... I LOVE how my kids never make life easy... that would just be too... well... easy!
#2 on the left, this one on the right

And last but not least, pics of the main attraction
This one on the left, big sister at same stage on the right

Swallowing, about the only movement during the whole scan!

A foot, and a hand

hand/arm again along top of head

Head, upper torso and arm

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