Sooo apparently bubs is now the size of a cantaloupe (rockmelon for us kiwis!) and is getting close to the 1lb and 1ft long mark! Must have put on some growth spurt in the last week as the tummy has suddenly gone pop! Feeling lots of punches/kicks and wriggles quite regularly, and even felt the real strong ones from the outside (although from the outside it felt like the tiniest little tap!). Ms seems to be making a slight comeback, going back to the constant queasy, and feeling like I 'might' be sick if I do or dont eat... sadly, chocolate seems to STILL be on the list of foods that baby doesnt like... I seem to recall one of my previous children having the exact same effect on me... makes sense being the same gender of that particular sibling ;)
Labour weekend and the weather seems to have diverted from the traditional rain and winds of spring, and blessed with us sunny, cloudless days, handy since we have a bbq planned for tomorrow! On that note, i shall post pics (19w top, 20w below) to show growth spurt, then call it a night!

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