Scan was nothing short of amazing! Baby is measuring bang on for dates, legs, tummy and head (width and circ) all measuring the same as LMP dates, so looks like we'll have a lovely average little... baby! You didnt think I was going to spill the beans on here did you?? As promised, lips are tightly sealed... pity I cant say the same about my bank account! Now that we know gender, its likely to get a fair walloping as I stock up on gorgeous little baby clothes! I'll 'try' not to go overboard as there was a lot of unisex stuff leftover from #2 that can be used again, so 0-3 months is more or less sorted... assuming I dont have one of those spilly babies with repetitive #3 type nappies! Plus there are still some things I managed to retrieve off a friend from one of my previous kids that will fill in the gaps... along with the cutest set a friend has put on layby for me!!
Baby is getting its wriggle on more and more, and I am definitely feeling it from the outside now!
Pics are on FB and in my 'due in' thread on OB, but for blogging purposes, here we are again...
One very well defined leg and foot, was one of the clearest shots we got of the legs without showing the 'nether regions'

Profile shot

Peek-a-boo, I see you!

Everything was as it should be, and no need for follow-up scans this time around... so unless something pops up later on that requires a check-in, this is all we will see until a 3D/4D scan at 26 weeks (which also happens to be in the same week as both mine and #1's birthdays :D), then sit tight and wait for the big day!
Working on names still, had a couple of names for a girl, and a name for a boy, but I have suddenly gone off the name/s we had, so back to searching for the 'right' name... but again... cant post it here since it would reveal gender ;)