Food analogy of the week - baby is now the size of a papaya, or a 1lb footlong sub... take your pick!
Either way, bubs is definitely making itself known, apparently my favourite sleeping position doesnt please the little blighter, so I must lie on my back (NOT comfy!) to go to sleep instead. Kicks/punches can now be seen and felt easily from the outside, only E has the patience of a 2yr old so hasnt been told he might actually feel something just yet. Earlier this evening (while E was out... go figure!) baby was getting its wriggle on in a big way, and I even felt a leg or arm bone sliding across my tummy... such an awesome feeling!! Didnt have this with #1 or #2 as they both had placentas blocking the more defined movements, so all we could feel/see was the big rolling motions.
Have officially started leaking... time to invest in booby pads! Might have to hunt back in the June 09 thread on various forums to see when this started up with #2, foggy memory seems to have left that detail somewhere in the inaccessible recesses of my mind!
One more month until #1 turns 7, closely followed by myself turning another year older.... and the 3D/4D scan will be getting booked around then too, cant wait!
Will post pics tomorrow... its really late (been playing taxi driver... unpaid!) and I havent taken said bump pic yet, will do later in the A.M!